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BEO Post 4

Hello all,


We are one week closer to BEO 2022. How exciting.


Recently we have received very few questions so this will be a brief post to read.




Question: When are we going to receive the roles for the Debate?

Answer: As soon as the all teams have been placed into competition groups which should be done within a week or so. However, it is in the interest of your team to be preparing for all roles as that makes then stronger in their arguments and better prepared for the final when the role is assigned on the morning of the event.




Question: My team decided to maintain the shadow play we had planned earlier, will there be poles to hold the structure of the weave?

Answer: This element has been removed from the 2022 guideline therefore the required equipment will not be available on the campus.


Question: For the drama festival, can students play an audio of people cheering or clapping?  Can they have background music for certain scenes? If so, who will be in charge of managing the “sound effects”?

Answer: Yes, they can have any sound effects they wish on an USB drive and it is one of the students who should be in charge of when those are played.


We have also received some questions about the semi-final and grand final mystery events so by clicking here, you can download a past brief.


Best of luck with the ongoing preparations and do not hesitate to ask further questions.



